Woe is Me!
On May 1, 2017, I woke up and felt a catastrophic sense of dread. For the first time in my life, I did not want to get up and start the day; instead, I wanted to just remain asleep. I felt a heavy hold on my heart, and I was both frustrated and appalled.
From that alarming moment on, I deployed my resources to figure out how to get back on the train of happiness. Here are the three badass, positive habits I formed that can help you transform your life too!
I worked with therapy and coaches, attended retreats in different countries, journaled, studied and embarked on quite a spectacular journey. Some of these conscious efforts became habits that continue to impact my life in an uplifting way. From the cocoon of dissatisfaction and discontent, I broke free to embrace a transformed life.
The changes I made have manifested themselves as follows:
- I’m now actively engaged in my life purpose. I love and believe in my work, which supports my lifestyle in return.
- I’m in my best physical shape, natured by a well-balanced diet and workout regimens. I also pay attention to my emotional hygiene.
- I’m genuinely connected with myself, my significant other, my family and my immediate circle.
Why Positive Habits Matter
In her recent book “Good habits, Bad habits“, American psychologist Wendy Wood stated:
“…about 43 percent of what people do every day is repeated in the same context, usually while they are thinking about something else”.
Wendy spent three decades studying and researching the science of how we form habits. In this interview with Behavioral Scientist, she explained:
“Habits are a learning mechanism. All we have to do is repeat something and get rewarded for it, and we’re learning a habit.”
This is such simple yet profound information.
As creatures of habit, what we automatically do every day defines the entire outlook of our life. It also explains how, when we want to make changes in our lives, what we need is to modify our habitual patterns. Whether is to cultivate good habits that bring positive benefits to our physical and mental health, or to be rid of bad habits that are hindering ourselves from our wellbeing and growth.
3 Badass Habits That Propelled My Life Changes
Without further ado, here are three badass habits that propelled the shifts in my life:
Habit 1. Seek Purpose.
A brilliant definition of purpose by psychotherapist and meditation teacher Jonathan Gustin:
“To wake up, grow up and show up“. To me, it’s about redirecting the spotlight into ourselves, awaken to our true selves, values, and motivations, as well as taking complete responsibility for our lives.”
“Seeking” is a continuous process. Seeking is not knowing all the answers, for the very act of seeking is to learn and to develop. So we begin with curiosity:
- What is my passion?
- What energizes me?
- What makes me happy?
During my quest for life purpose, I came to understand “Healing” and “Serving” are the two keywords for my calling. So I turned to:
- Build a career out of serving (consulting and coaching)
- Engage in volunteer activities (local community service and charity work)
- Incorporate rituals that enhance my spiritual and personal growth, such as daily mediations, seasonal retreats, and holistic events
With this habit, I now wake up to a sense of awe, gratitude, and hopefulness. I plan my life with clarity and focus, and I listen to what life is asking of me so I can learn how better to serve.
Mission discovery resources for you to try
If you haven’t tapped into your own mission discovery, there are many resources available online. I’ve listed some here for you to try: 😉
- Oprah: How to Uncover the Talents Only You can Offer the World.
- DavidJi: This is How to Discover Your Passion.
- Deepak Chopra: 6 Tools for Discovering and Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose
- TedTalk: Talks to Help You Find Your Purpose
Habit 2. Keeping My Body Movin’

A photo I shot myself from Nanshan Mountain in Shenzhen, China
Yoga training, pilates, barre, kickboxing, weight lifting, cycling, jogging … I tried a wide range of workouts before pinpointing those I love and building them into my daily exercise routine.
You don’t need an athletic body type or a gym membership to get into the habit, but you DO need to find out the right type of activity that:
- Connects you to your body, i.e, you are conscious of how your body feels
- Provides you with satisfaction and achievement
- Challenges you enough so you maintain the interest to push and grow
Exercise releases negative energy!
Habit 3. Tend to Good Relationships

Robert Waldinger, the director behind the longest study (75 years) on adult life and happiness by Harvard, explained in his famous TedTalk “What Makes a Good Life” that:
Tend to genuine relationships like you’d cultivate your garden
Your turn…
As my favorite spiritual teacher, Jack Kornfield, elegantly pointed out:
- Be courageous to follow your passion and live on purpose.
- Be adventurous to try different activities and keep your body moving.
- Be conscientious about your relationships and social network.